Exit the tunnel and take a left to find a set. Information provided by Shirleehee, Babar, Mr. To start the true Echoes of the Eye DLC, you'll need to get to the Deep Space Satellite before it gets too far past 40 degrees. Hop off and walk to the left where youll find the secret tunnel you opened when you extinguished the flame near the Shrouded Woodlands main entrance. Here's two videos showing this achievement being done, made by Imaria & Zambies: From here, jump over the railing onto the awning, turn right and make your way to the top of the roof. I slammed into the rocks where the electrical cables are and got the achievement." To reach there, turn right from the front entrance of the manor and follow the circling path to the top balcony.

Then when the dam broke, I tried to force my raft to the leftmost river and just coasted that as far as possible. In the River Lowlands, you can locate an artifact that is a key component to a hidden mechanic in Echoes of the Eye that can teleport you to three secret areas. "For Tubular I positioned my raft right past the natural stone archway separating the first little town from the second. Hug the right side of the river while rafting there and boost your way up the cliff The Third Projection: In the Hidden Gorge. The Dam breaks around 13 minutes into the loop, so dozing off at the campfire at the start until about 10:00 or 10:30 minutes into the loop should give you enough time and will make the process of attempting this achievement easier. You can also use downwards thrust while on the raft to help you stay on top of it. If you remember having the turn on and off lights for the Quantum Rocks in the base game, it’s basically that, expect to be flicking your flashlight on and off for most of this DLC. the Fort Joy on the island of Reapers Eye was used as a centre for his research into.

Make sure there's not a lot of obstacles and a straight path ahead before you attempt this, a good place to start could be the Cinder Isles. Echos of the Eye basics Lets get down to business, this DLC has a large focus on Light and Darkness. Divinity Original Sin 2 Guide: Fort Joy Captains Hideout.
Don't start at the Dam, since the size of the wave at the start will most likely knock you off your raft. How To Begin The Echoes of the Eye DLC To begin your new adventure into the spooky secrets of the solar system, travel to the Observatory on Timber Hearth.